Here at Celebration Church we have so many ways to get connected!
We are a church for the whole family!
Celebration Groups
Here at Celebration Church, we have over 50 Celebration Groups. There are 2 main types of Celebration Groups (1) Discipleship Groups & (2) Community Groups. We encourage everyone in Celebration Church to FIND family (by joining a group) & CREATE family (by starting a group)
Discipleship Groups meet across our city for people of all ages. These small groups are run by Connect Leaders and are our way of building strong relationships, encouraging each other to walk with God, and creating a family in a growing church.
Community Groups are a diverse range of groups that meet across our city each week. We encourage our church family to start a Community Group by following 4 simple steps.
(1) Find: find some people to gather with (2) PRAY: take time each day to pray for everyone by name (3) LOVE: look for opportunities to love, encourage and support your group (4) GATHER: them together to build a family. Some examples of Community groups are Workplace Groups, Playgroups for Young Families, Surfing Groups, Craft Groups, Coffee & Chat Groups, we even have Community Groups in Highschools. The possibilities are almost endless!
Click below if you are trying to FIND a group or would like to CREATE a Community Group and one of our team will be in contact with you!​