Dear Amazing Church Family,
Charlie and I would like to take a moment to wish you all a safe and happy Easter. We pray that this Easter you will experience a revelation of the love of Christ like never before.
As we remember the price that Jesus paid for us through the cross, we encourage you to be ambassadors of this love to the community, especially in this season.
Let’s celebrate that through the cross and resurrection the Name of Jesus is above every other name, including sickness and disease (Philippians 2:9).
We would also like to share that on Monday the 6th of April, 2020, we welcomed our baby son into the world. We named him “Bear Oscar James Halliday” (Bear meaning “brave and strong”.) Both Mum and baby are healthy and doing well.
We cover you with love, declare blessing over you today, and believe that your best days are ahead!
And always remember:
You are greatly blessed.
You are highly favoured.
You are deeply loved.
Benaiah and Charlie (and Bear!)
Senior Pastors Celebration Church
